Saturday, May 6, 2017


As might have been expected, the passage in the House of a bill designed to snatch health care away from  more than a score of millions of Americans has provoked an uproar of opposition.  But as this story indicates, the resistance does not stop there.  Millions of dollars have been donated even before candidates have been selected to use it against Representatives who voted for the bill.  The money is in effect in escrow, awaiting contenders to announce!  This is a level of intensity of grassroots progressive political activity unlike anything I have ever seen in this country.  It will undoubtedly encourage plausible candidates to decide to run.  And God bless Jimmy Kimmel, who has turned a personal medical nightmare into an irresistible battle cry.

It doesn't take a weatherman to tell which way the wind is blowing, as someone might once have said.


  1. I was one of those donors (to ActBlue), which is my contribution to the Friday Update (which Prof Wolff posted in a possible word accessible to this one).

  2. Ugh, but look who intends to co-opt 'the resistance':

    HRC with more finance capital!
