Thursday, July 27, 2017


We flew home yesterday without incident to find this country preparing to hurt vulnerable people in a myriad of ways.  So much ugliness is being perpetrated so quickly that it is difficult to find the emotional resources for appropriate anger and outrage.

As a diversion, I will tell one small story about our Paris stay.  Susie spent a good deal of time trying to bring order into the disarray of the plant life that decorates the interior courtyard of our copropriété.  While she was working, she came across this fearsome beast and called for me to memorialize it with my IPhone.  Herewith the result.  The faint of heart are warned.


  1. Did the French make you eat that thing also?

  2. Thank goodness! Considering how Trump seems to think Macron is his newest bestest buddy, (not shy to hold hands with him in public even), I figured we would have to appeal to the United Nations to get you any justice at all. I was all set to do so except I can't seem to find the right extension to register the complaint- they keep hanging up on me for some reason. I should have known that the French would be merciful after forcing you to eat all those snails at Brasserie Balzar. Apparently they are tough, but still retain a conscience. I bet they could have prepared it real good tho...

  3. Because it is the logo of the Slow Food movement I have a special fondness for snails. (e.g., the tilework on the front of our wood-fired oven is replete with bas and not so bas relief snails).

  4. Three cheers for McCain, Collins, and Murkowski. Now the next task is to rejigger the ACA a bit, rather than just let it slowly die, as Trump would prefer.
