Thursday, September 21, 2017


If the appalling devastation in Puerto Rico drives large numbers of Puerto Ricans to transfer to the States, as they have a right to do, inasmuch as they are citizens, their decision to move could alter the politics of several states.


  1. The question is: where are there already large populations of Puerto Ricans? Blue states mostly, no. Though Florida looks promising

  2. Before the storm people were already abandoning the island (the austerity regime imposed to deal with the debt crises has, unsurprisingly, made life more difficult for most people--the minimum wage is half what it is in most states for instance) and those with the means and education to go elsewhere were doing so in droves (mostly to Florida, but the already blue Miami area). In a sane world the devastation would free up money for investment and maybe help the economy recover, but in this world...
