Thursday, November 23, 2017


OK, I give up.  I scanned the Wolff/Wolff exchange as a .pdf file and converted it to WORD, but my typescript was so hard for the computer to read that there were a million errors.  So I scanned page 1 as a picture and inserted it into my blog, but it was too small.  So I copied that image and inserted it as an image into WORD, and bingo, page 1 came up beautifully.  So I scanned the entire exchange as a picture but could not get more than one page to transfer successfully.  This is bloody ridiculous.  What a way to spend Thanksgiving morning.

Meanwhile, more and more revelations of sexual harassment, sexual abuse, and all round creepy behavior continue to emerge.  Because women are a majority of the electorate, this has the potential to transform American life and politics.

As for Joe Barton, I couldn't care less that he sent lewd selfies to a woman he was having an affair with.

While this and much more unfolds, Robert Mueller is quietly chewing his way through the layers surrounding the President like a stealth PacMan.  I don't ask for much for Christmas; just an indictment of Jared Kushner.


  1. A Darwinian might opine that high status males feel that women in their primary group are their property and subject to their dominance- a Freudian would go on to say that since abuse has been policed in the realm of the marriage powerful men must forage elsewhere for fruit to feed their meat- I think it's called displacement. No?

  2. 50 years ago when I was young, most of the stuff that is considered "abuse" today was considered normal heterosexual male "taking of the initiative". That has changed, and I agree that the change is for the better, but cultural changes are slow. A quick look at Google tells me that Harvey Weinstein was born in 1952: that is, he's almost as old as I am, and he probably grew up with the same parameters as I did about the "male role". By the way, when I refer to "parameters about the male role", I refer not only to the official discourse about male sexuality (which was very moralistic when I was young), but also to the stuff most males learn in the locker room. I changed more rapidly than Harvey Weinstein did, due to the feminist movement and probably also due to the fact that I was never very comfortable in the locker room.

  3. I'd still check in with a librarian. Anyone who deals with archiving has probably dealt with this before.

    Either that or find a grad student to retype it.

  4. Prof, there are many of us waiting for this jewel from the past. I have no idea how to help with the technical issue. I'm absolutely sure somebody in this blog knows the tricks pertaining to making universally visible a text from 40 years ago.
