Saturday, December 30, 2017


My Black Studies book is now converted from WordPerfect to WORD and has been uploaded to, available via the link on this page.  Who knows?  Maybe someone will read it.


  1. Professor Wolff:

    I have read and like your "autobiography" very much and learned much from it. I teach writing and literature in the Veterans Upward Bound Program at the University of Pennsylvania (I think I've seen your son around the law school sometimes). The program is for veterans who are trying to reintegrate themselves into civilian life and further their education. The students are in their 40s and older, mostly men, mostly black, all of whom have had a less than easy time before, during, and after their time in the military. I use parts of your book, especially the wonderful letter from ex-slave Jourdan Anderson to his former owner, calculating the cost to the owner (who once tried to shoot Anderson) of having his ex-slave "come back and live with [him} again (sic)," a beautifully written letter, which as you write shows Anderson to be "one of the great ironists in the American literary tradition." I also use your thought experiment of the Smith and Robinson families, white and black, respectively, and their access and lack of access, respectively, to the wealth created during the great post-war expansion of the American economy. Thanks for this enlightening and delightful attempt at a new master narrative for America, which alas still sadly resembles Mr. Shapiro in his suit.

  2. Professor Rossi, I am simply delighted that you found something of value in that book, and were able to use some of its arguments in your teaching. That is the true reward of writing. Thank you so much for taking the time to write.

  3. Professor Wolff

    Just wanted to leave a quick comment here. Been following your blog for a few months now, not sure how I found it honestly, but I am glad I did. I've spent much of last night and today reading this book. Definitely not how I thought I'd be ringing in 2018, but I've found it to be perfect for me right now in this moment of my life. I've been taking notes as I read with plans to track down and read as many of the other books referenced. Thank you again.


  4. Jason, welcome to the blog. I am delighted that you have found someting of value in that book. Now, if you liked that, I have something else you might like.... :)

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