Friday, February 2, 2018


Lenin is said to have referred to Western sympathizers with communism as useful idiots, and the term has come to mean someone who is not bright enough to understand the significance of what he is doing but who can be put to good use by clever strategists.  Carter Page may not be a useful idiot of Putin, but there seems to be no doubt that he is an idiot.  Is this really the person in whose defense the Republicans want to cut their historic ties with the FBI and the Intelligence community?  It seems a feckless choice.  But then, perhaps any useful idiot in a media storm.


  1. They needed something, anything. And despite having full access to the intelligence, this is what they could come up with. Pathetic.

  2. I am no lawyer, but I have read lawyers saying that the FBI agents identified in the Congressional committee's report are guilty of felonies. Regardless of your feelings about Mr. Trump's sidekick, you should be concerned about the FBI et al. breaking the law (again).

  3. If they are guilty of felonies, they should be prosecuted. Since the Attorney-general, the Deputy Attorney general, and the Director of the FBI are all Trump appointees, I assume we can be confident that this will happen quite quickly, yes?

  4. As we have learned from the saga of Hilary Clinton's emails, perhaps not. It seems to be as much to do with politics as law. What the Republican Party thinks will have some bearing (and they are not all on President Trump's side in this). And the prudent preference of all Presidents not to mess with the security services (all 17 of them!) will also play a part. President Trump has already proved full of bluster and backsliding, wholly obedient when pressure is exerted - we now have three generals running foreign policy and Wall St the economy (pretty much business as usual despite the daily tweetery).
