Saturday, August 4, 2018


On Thursday I had my second Shingles vaccine shot, and as anticipated, it had a bad effect on me.  I spent most of yesterday laid up, but will be back tomorrow blogging.  I would like to say something about the Noam Chomsky interview to which someone with the handle "Heraclitus" linked in a comment.  

And so, to steal a line from Pepys, to bed.


  1. Ouch. That sounds painful. Not sure how you could write under the circumstances. On the other hand, I read once that Marx, when he was feeling the pain of his boils or whatever it was that he had, would read Laplace transforms in French. I always wondered, did the pain of doing that task shift his mind from the pain of his illness, or was the experience so soothing in an aesthetic way that he forgot about the pain. I trust it was the latter but doing Laplace transforms in French (not much French involved?) sounds rather challenging for someone who is suffering to begin with.

  2. Because I had a first shingles shot and am supposed to get the follow-up, I'm curious why you anticipated (correctly) that the second one would have a bad effect on you. Is it because the first one had had a bad effect on you, or is there some other reason?

  3. Because everyone, including doctors and pharmacists, warned me the second one could be worse. My wife had no problems, but a friend had a terrible reaction. I hope yours goes well.

  4. I hope you get well soon. I just read your work “In Defense of Anarchism”. While I am not for anarchy, I learned a lot from reading your essay. It was in a text book below. Thanks.

    Pojman, Louis P. and Vaughn, Lewis. Philosophy: The Quest for Truth, Tenth Edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016. Pages 569-571
