Sunday, December 30, 2018


Someone conducted a poll of Democrats and Independents asking for each of maybe fifteen potential Democratic presidential candidates whether the respondent was enthusiastic or unenthusiastic about the prospect of the named person running for the presidency.  Name recognition being what it is, Biden and O’Rourke topped the list on the enthusiastic side.  Pretty much everyone got more enthusiastic votes than unenthusiastic votes, except for one.  Seventy percent said they were unenthusiastic about Clinton running again!  So, in the immortal words of Richard Nixon, I think we won’t have Hillary Clinton to kick around anymore.

1 comment:

  1. I suspect this says less about her and people's response to her as either a person or a politician than about the anger, fear and frustration we feel when we think about the outcome of the 2016 campaign and election. This (both reasonably and unreasonably) colors how we think about her going forward.* I don't think more than a handful of Democrats and those to their left want to relive that campaign, election or the period since. Had she won the electoral vote, we would all likely be responding to
    * first woman president,
    * a continuation of Obama's domestic policies including (I like to think) those that Tom Perez was implementing at the NRLB before moving on to the DNC
    * neither Gorsuch nor Kavanaugh (or all the others who are flying beneath the radar)
    * less insane policies vis-a-vis climate change; otherwise more hawkish foreign policy than Obama

    Instead we are digging out from beneath the wreckage, hoping to avoid more.

    *Unreasonably because there is some bit of blaming the victim here. Reasonably because it is important for so many reasons to get someone to the left of (the US) center in the white house, someone with some semblance of decency and rationality; and presumably voters in states she lost in the upper midwest are represented in the polling sample.
