Tuesday, January 29, 2019


Of all the people who have run for or have announced for or have been spoken of as possible candidates for the presidency in my entire lifetime, the only one I have actually met personally and have spoken to is Elizabeth Warren.  Not even Teddy Kennedy, who was my Harvard classmate.  Indeed, I think I am correct in saying that she is one of only two of that large group whom I have seen personally, not merely on television or in the movies [the other is Obama.]

So much for Direct Democracy.


  1. I would have liked to have met Shirley Chisholm. To hell with the rest of them.

    The series of post titles over the past few days has the flavor of an album of pop tunes: A Little Bit of History; Thoughts While Supine; Kamala Harris; I Don't Know; OK, I Give Up; On the Mend; An Irrelevant Factoid. If I had the musical wherewithal I'd compose, perform, and record them.

  2. I shook Bobby Kennedy's hand when as New York Senator he campaigned in favor of a Civilian Police Review Board in 1966. I wished him well on the issue and he thanked me.

    Does anyone remember that campaign because I googled it to refresh my dim memories and didn't find as much information as I expected to?
