Monday, January 28, 2019


Yesterday I watched Kamala Harris's speech launching her campaign for the Democratic Party presidential nomination.  I am not going to offer an evaluation of her candidacy.  In 1948, when I was fourteen, I gave my heart to Henry Wallace.  Since then, it has been up and down.  But her opening line was, I thought, one of the best I have ever heard, and I wanted to take note of it.  Harris's campaign slogan, by the way, is For The People.  After graduating from Howard, she did a JD at Hastings, and began her elective career as DA of San Francisco.  In her speech yesterday, she said that the first five words she uttered, after entering a courtroom for the first time, were "Kamala Harris for the people."

I thought that was inspired.

We shall see.

Oh yes, if that idiot billionaire who used to run Starbucks does run as an Independent, I will make the ultimate sacrifice and stop drinking Starbucks coffee.  


  1. Please at least try reading this...

  2. Yes, one can imagine a future item on NPR or the NYT, as President Harris pursues some item in the litany of American imperialism or some measure that allows the 0.1% to get away with larceny: "Why are white, male 'progressives' so hostile to our first woman of color President........problematic........need to have a conversation about........etc, etc"

    Identity politics has become the perfect and invulnerable armor for elites. One has to admire their resourceful genius in that regard (given that 30 years ago those same elites in the USA wrapped themselves in Christianity and Nationalism). A Harris presidency would provide a perfect cover for 'business as usual'. And please note - I think the best candidate the dems could offer is actually another woman of color - Tulsi Gabbard - who will not be allowed near the nomination because she actually has the courage of her convictions.

  3. this article from the Guardian is very critical of Kamala Harris.

  4. I too watched Ms. Harris's speech and was impressed. Right now I favor any candidate who will address the gross inequality in American wealth. I am pessimistic because the white American working class has, at least since 1860, voted against their own self-interests. If someone could explain this, it would qualify as the greatest achievement in the history of social science.
