Friday, March 15, 2019


OK, so I watched the Netflix documentary on the Fyre fiasco [well, sort of watched it -- I clicked through and watched maybe thirty minutes of it, quite enough to get its gist.]  For me, it was like watching one of those old National Geographic travel documentaries about strange "primitive" people with incomprehensible customs not wearing much in the way of clothes.

Is Ja Rule a big deal?


  1. I hope you watched enough to drink in the schadenfruede. Also, you may have missed this, but toward the end of the film we see a curious appearance by Angelo Roefaro, press secretary for Chuck Schumer. Billy McFarland, the perpetrator of the fraud, is out on bail, and Roefaro is seen walking into his luxury hotel suite. Their relationship is never explained. I guess Roefaro has tried to downplay the encounter, saying they’re just acquaintances. Makes you wonder.

    Ja Rule was popular maybe fifteen years ago but is now a total has-been.

  2. Perhaps the experience led you to forego reading a sentence or two from the Bloomberg article. I won't press the matter.

  3. Anonymous is referring to this Bloomberg article cited in a comment in the previous post:

  4. All right, I have now read the Bloomberg piece. I must say Iam underwhelmed. It seems like an enormous amountr of trouble just to be "followed." I think I may have outlived m sell-by date.

  5. Ja Rule was a big deal until 50 Cent ended Ja's career.

  6. Prof Wolff, you're right. It is a great deal of trouble.

  7. And both 50 cent and Ja Rule shouldn't have been big deals. But one of them will probably be president in 2020. 2024 at the latest.
