Sunday, April 14, 2019


I have been talking about socialism lately, and the comments I have received make it clear to me that in a truly fundamental way, I see the subject differently from the way in which it is seen by virtually everybody who is commenting.  As it happens, some years ago I worked this all out in an essay I wrote called "The Future of Socialism."  I have just re-read that essay, and the first twenty-six pages of it say exactly what I have in mind.  So I am going to post those 26 pages here, in a series of sections perhaps 2500 to 3000 words each.  I thought long and hard about the ideas in  this paper, and they are, so far as I know, quite unlike what others have written about the subject.

So, if you are looking for trenchant commentary on the passing scene, you will have to look elsewhere for a few days.  But I really, really hope some of you will read the entire several part post and then will think about it, not for a nanosecond but for long enough to absorb it and maybe even change the way you think about the subject.

1 comment:

  1. Those interested may also want to see this earlier seriatum posting of the paper and accompanying comments:
