Friday, May 10, 2019


I will be going to Paris on June 14, returning July 4th, and as you know, I am unable to blog from Paris.  However, two weeks before we go, Susie and I must move out of our apartment so that the management can redo the plumbing.  They are doing the entire three story building, one stack of apartments at a time, and our turn is coming up.  So it may be that from May 27th or so until July 4th, I will go dark, as they say.  There is no telling what disasters will befall America in that time, but if the very last scene of The Truman Show is correct, you will all just click to another site and never miss me.  I will miss you, I fear.


  1. Indeed. I hope you enjoy your time in Paris, Professor, and your chance to escape, even for a little while, the waking nightmare that our country is currently living.
