Friday, July 26, 2019


The first Friday List New Series was a good first step, but we can do better.  Google says this blog gets between  1000 and 1500 page views a day, so unless S. Wallerstein visits the blog 800 or 900 times a day, there have to be a lot of folks out there who have not yet participated.

If you are shy about posting a comment, contact me at  It is going to take all of us [and 100 million more] to get rid of Trump. 


  1. I never visit your blog more than a hundred times a day.

    I didn't participate in your Friday list because I live outside the U.S., and I am much more active in Chilean politics than in U.S. politics. Many of the people who visit your blog come from outside the U.S., and that is probably one of the reasons why they don't participate in your Friday lists.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I washed my windows, cut the grass, and fed the neighbor's cat. And all that mindful energy, I'm sure, will spread across the universe - was the feeling I got back from your first installment.

    Perhaps you could stipulate: only actions, be they pebbles or rocks, specifically intended to create a "get rid of Trump" landslide.
