Saturday, August 31, 2019


David Palmeter said:  Recurring contribution to DLCC.

Bryant Durrell said:  $25 to Warren, $25 to Castro.

Charles Perkins:  I attended an online training (on canvassing) for Elizabeth Warren's campaign.
I put my EW sign in my window.
I registered for another EW training (phone banking).
I made sure I was registered to vote in California and got my "REAL" ID (ugh) at the DMV ("ugh")— but now I can vote for Warren in the California primary.
I gave $5 to Elizabeth Warren.

Robert Paul Wolff:  I donated $100 to a local candidate for NC Secretary of State
I gave my usual small donation to Bernie
I signed up for some local political work
I curated the Friday List [this is cheaty, I know]


  1. Dr. Wolff, Curating the list is an indirect cost and should be considered allowable.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


  3. All commendable efforts of civic virtue, but rather scattered efforts if the point of this exercise is to remove the most
    dangerous president in our lifetime, if not in the history of the US.

    Let's get FOCUSED and ORGANIZED. We cannot make a dent in the facade of the power if we do commendable but scatter civic actions.

    I do not want to hijack the Professor's blog so consider the following a hypothetical proposal:

    In an effort to get the ball rolling: here's an action I propose: before next Friday, call Congressman Jeffries office TWICE and urge him to come out for an impeachment inquiry - now that a majority of the Dem caucus supports such an inquiry. Pelosi and establishment corporate Dems, like Jeffries (in a safe NY district) do not. I personally believe that an impeachment inquiry (forget about a trial in the Senate) would speed up the Dem's oversight investigations and spew out tons of negative info on Trump during the campaign season. Some of you would disagree. Fine. Suggest another ANTI-TRUMP ACTION.

    There are thousands who read this site daily. If during one week, we collectively made 600 phone calls to Jeffrey's office, I think that would be a large pebble pushed down the hill. Anybody with me?

    Jeffrey's office phone number: 202-225-5936

  4. Jerry Fresia,

    It sounds like a good idea to me.
