Saturday, October 26, 2019


I have, I believe, already recounted my embarrassing encounter with the TSA in which they asked to see my elecronics [a random check] and burst out laughing when I showed them my little IPhone 5S.   I have never felt so inadequate.  Now comes Rudy Giuliani twice butt-dialing a reporter who recorded revealing conversations intended to be private..

I infer that if you put your IPhone 10 in your hip pocket and then sit on it, you can inadvertently speed dial someone.  But there is no way I could do that with an IPhone 5S.  So once again, I am revealed as hopelessly 2014.

The shame, the shame.


  1. Evidently, Giuliani is a notoriously frequent butt-dialer. And yet the story I read about the most recent incident speculates that maybe he, evil genius, intends these errant calls.

    I've never had to worry about butt-dialing, primarily because I have an old-fashioned flip phone, and also because I tend to leave my phone turned off. My old phone of ten or 12 years broke in half last year. I replaced it with another very similar to it, though being of more recent vintage, it's more difficult to operate, because that's how progress rolls. I have no need for a smartphone, barely any need for a phone at all. Yes, I suppose having a wife and kids I need to be poised for emergency communications on occasion, but what are the odds? And anyway, there are other ways to reach me. Via this very comments section, for instance. "Hey, Dean, don't forget to take your daughter to soccer practice!" Thanks, Anonymous.

  2. Do you suppose I could monetize the reminder service? :)

  3. Of course! Allow for free comments that are pure opinion, because, well, talk is cheap, but charge the recipient (in this example, me) to view urgent substantive messages.

  4. You're not alone in liking the iPhone 5S. People liked it so much, Apple is supposedly starting up the production line again to make more in January.
