Sunday, November 24, 2019


Susie and I went yesterday afternoon to see A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood, the biopic about Fred Rogers starring Tom Hanks.  The tiny Indie theater was jammed with a three-generational audience:  Old folks like us who had watched the show on TV when our children were little; their middle aged sons and daughters who had watched the show as kids' and grandchildren who had no idea at all who Fred Rogers was.

Tom Hanks is luminous as Fred Rogers.  He inhabits the role, so much so that when a picture of the real Fred Rogers flashes on the screen during the final credits it seems like an intrusion.

The movie accomplishes the seemingly impossible trick of being both saccharine sweet and deeply depressing.  We both left the theater seriously down.  I think if that is what Heaven is like then George Bernard Shaw had it right in Man and Superman -- better to go to Hell and listen to Mozart.

1 comment:

  1. I saw it last night too- to me it was Saccharine and moving- my friend and I were giggling the whole time- the subway serenade scene of the theme song was very cute but unrealistic- NY was not like that under Giuliani- I was there- the subway wasn't safe enough for impromptu choirs
