Thursday, December 19, 2019


I met Noam Chomsky more than sixty years ago when he came to Harvard to take up a Junior Fellowship.  Although I think I have not seen him in person in almost half a century, I have seen pictures or videos or TV appearances, and lately I have watched some of his many YouTube appearances.  He was always the same man, older as the years went on, but otherwise unchanged.  Yesterday I came across this quite recent interview on YouTube, and was astonished to discover that he now has a full white rabbinical beard and something of a pot.  I suddenly felt quite old.


  1. Indeed. I have noticed the same. Saying he has a "pot" is being kind. You know, I would assume, that he now teaches in Arizona. And he's 91. You're just a kid!

  2. After reading that Chomsky answered every e-mail and that he liked gin and tonics, I sent the Master the following, just on a whim: "I have toasted your works with a gin and tonic every evening for a while, but given the times, I find myself toasting you at lunch and sometimes in the morning too." His response (within the day): "Good for the gin industry. Yes, these are trying times. There is much to be done." I assume he meant more drinking.
