Sunday, December 29, 2019


Well, Thanksgiving has come and gone, Black Friday is just a memory, we celebrated Christmas in traditional Jewish fashion by going out for Chinese, my birthday is in the record books.  That leaves just New Year’s Day to survive and then the real world starts again.  Even the days are getting fractionally longer now.  God, how I hate the holidays.

By the time my Spring course has its first meeting on January 13th, the Senate trial will have started, will have concluded, or else will be still on hold as Pelosi torments Trump.  Some things however are certain, or as Donald Rumsfeld used to say, are known knowns:  Susan Collins will be a fink, Joe Biden will be a dick, and Bernie will be doing better than the Mainstream Media commentators would like or are able to acknowledge.  For months now, I have been giving Bernie $9 automatically.  Today I received an email request from his campaign for $2.70 and responded with $250.  It is the season of giving.

Merry Christmas to all.


  1. I hate the holidays myself.

    I used to say that the only good thing about Christmas is that they play Handel's Messiah on the radio, but now with YouTube I can listen to Handel whenever I want to and I don't have to turn on our only classical music radio station to find it.

    In any case, I wish you a happy new year.

  2. There's an interesting and informative piece about Biden in the current New York Rev Books (don't subscribe but happen to have the issue in hard copy). If it's not paywalled or if you subscribe, the piece is worth a look. It's critical but in a nuanced (to use an overused word) way.

  3. P.s. piece points out that Biden has emphasized the Irish Catholic side of his ancestry in an effort to align himself with the Kennedy legacy/mystique. The author finds Biden's impulse toward empathy on an individual level to be genuine, but "consolation is not social change."

  4. P.p.s. In retrospect Biden seems to have been right in opposing the Afghan "surge" of 2009 (or maybe it was also clear at the time) so has to get credit for that. But I'm not voting for him in the primary. The primary where I live comes quite late in the process so perhaps the field will have been substantially narrowed by then anyway.
