Friday, December 6, 2019


I watched the clip last evening of Joe Biden’s angry exchange with a voter who quizzed him about his son, Hunter.  It was a disaster.  Biden wants the issue to go away.  But it won’t.  Should Biden get the nomination, God forbid, Trump will bring up Hunter Biden every day, and Joe Biden, unable to deal with the issue, will crumble and fold.  Every half way competent political adviser knows this, and yet the Biden campaign has still not found a way to neutralize the issue.

The simple truth, apparent to every sentient being, is that Hunter Biden got a $50,000 a month position on the Burisma board of directors solely because the company hoped or believed that connection could take the heat off them for their crooked dealings.  Maybe Joe Biden never so much as talked to his troubled, drug addicted, sole surviving son about the job.  It doesn't matter.  That is why Hunter got the job, and if Joe cannot acknowledge this obvious fact, he is toast.


  1. And Donald Trump is a winner?

  2. I checked Hunter Biden out on Wikipedia. He’s a slightly sleazy upward failing princeling with a drink and drugs problem. He does not appear to be such a miserable excuse for a human being as Trump’s two adult sons (perhaps because he has a dad who genuinely loves him as was pathetically on display in that clip) but there is nothing about him to suggest that his advice and counsel would be worth $600,000 a year. (That’s over six times my annual salary for which I actually have to work!) Even the name of his investment company - Rosemont Seneca - sounds suspiciously like the name of the Wolf of Wall Street’s company, Stratton Oakmont with its faux suggestion of Blue ribbon respectability. So RPW is right: the only way he could even *look* like a decent investment is if Burisma’s management were hoping that his presence would somehow secure them deals with US interests or protect them from the consequences of US sponsored investigations. He was profiting from his dad’s position even if in his case there genuinely was no quid pro quo. Since all this is pretty obvious to every inquiring mind, what can Joe Biden possibly say? My son never talked to me about his business? But in that case Hunter’s Burisma payout was pretty much money for nothing or even money acquired on the basis of false pretences or delusionary expectations. He was failing to do the one thing that would make him worth the dosh.

    It's a PR problem and no mistake

  3. Dear Anonymous, next you'll say he's the greatest man who ever lived- yes, he may be a winner, but his victory is everybody else's loss, I guess hurricanes win when they devastate the East Coast in August

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