Saturday, February 29, 2020


David Palmeter and others have expressed the hope that I will record the delayed Hume lectures.  I have a confession to make.  When I was young [which is to say, in my forties or fifties] I thought nothing of teaching two regular courses and two or more moonlighting courses.  In 1981, I lived in Belmont outside Boston, commuted on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays to Amherst to teach at UMass, and flew down to New York on Thursdays to teach a course at the New School.

But time passes, and my energy level declines.  I found the prospect of recording a lecture each Thursday on Hume while lecturing each Monday for two hours on Marx daunting.  So I decided to postpone the Hume series [only three or four lectures, I suspect] until the semester is over.

Meanwhile, I await the South Carolina results this evening and the Super Tuesday results in three days.


  1. I fully understand the energy depletion that hits in the 80's. I don't know how you do all that you do, particularly the walking. I used to be a regular walker--after giving up hiking. Then three years ago my lower back balked: arthritis, scoliosis, and probably stenosis. I rather stupidly asked my orthpod what was going on. He said, "You're old; you;re falling apart." Indeed.

  2. Please don't worry yourself professor, I think i echo the sentiments of many here in saying that we don't want you to over do it and that we can patiently wait until you have the appropriate time to conduct the lectures.
    I'm still have hope that I can one day see a lecture series of Wittgenstein in the future! Lol


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