Saturday, February 8, 2020


On Valentine's Day, Susie and I will drive to Pittsboro to early vote in the Super Tuesday Primary.  Monday, I will deliver a killer lecture on Chapter One of CAPITAL.  It features imaginary trips to a Catholic mass and a local supermarket and an analysis of the opening line of Pride and Prejudice, and turns on a deep structural analysis of the miracle of transubstantiation.

God, I love to teach!


  1. Well a deep structural analysis of anything one recognized as a miracle would seem rather difficult to do. And recognizing anything at all as a miracle when you say you are an atheist also seems unlikely. Well it sounds like it should be an interesting lecture. Try not to challenge? your audience too much or it might get overly interesting. Will we be able to watch this at some point?

  2. Gregory Dix, The Shape of the Liturgy -- no pun intended, but a marvelous, if imperfect, history and analysis of the Christian rite.

  3. I think Jane Austin was implying that women had to be gold diggers back then because society left them no other choice. It all comes down to the money. Money is what gets you laid, not love. Happy Valentines day!

  4. "Money is what gets you laid, not love".

    Money is what gets me laid now because I'm 73. When I was 18, it was love or sex appeal.

  5. I'm going to guess that transubstantiation will serve as a paradigm of transformation (of money into capital) and of incorporation (of labour into value).

    Austen's sentence is an instance of the reciprocity of supply and demand, figured as chiasmus. A wife supplies the want of a single man in possession of a good fortune, insofar as the fortune supplies a need of the prospective wife.

  6. Well, good guesses all, but totally wrong. Wish you all could be there.

  7. Though I don't recall all the details, I believe this lecture, or a version of it, is already up on YouTube as part of the Marx series that RPW posted a while ago and that some of us watched. So you don't have to guess; you can just go to YouTube and watch it.
