Wednesday, March 4, 2020


The current delegate score is not Biden 513 Sanders 481 as I said.  It is Biden 513 Sanders 461.  Next, I suppose, I shall think I am six feet tall.  


  1. Biden currently has 566 pledged delegates to Sanders’ 501.

  2. Wolff- you know, come on toughen up a bit. We have more than half the country yet to vote in this primary and so far it is basically even. This was never going to be easy and yes it isn't and they are pulling all kinds of tricks to make it harder. But you should know they would. And most of those tricks already been used up. Don't despair.

  3. Or consider that Republican lawmakers are surprised and disappointed by the results of Super Tuesday. I suppose that it's possible the GOP conventional wisdom, which is shared by much of the Democratic establishment, is wrong. But Democratic candidates in Senate battleground states are breathing a sigh of relief after Biden's strong Super Tuesday showing. Sanders *and* Trump stare into their political graves. For the general election, the implications of Tuesday are equally urgent for Trump. A grave is dug. A week ago, there was a similar hole with Biden’s name on it, but the countermovement, based on latest evidence, is larger than the movement itself. This is also the peril for Trump.

  4. Hi Robert Wolff,

    It is nice to have discovered this blog of yours (from your Kant lectures) and with that also to see that there is someone of your age who doesn’t buy into the brainwashing coming from the mainstream media of politics being about this corporate ”Conservative” vs this corporate “Democrat”.

    Well, as a 20 something college student, I'm now looking at programs in western Europe in order to make my escape before things turn really ugly here. The cultural, intellectual and economic problems of the US seem unsolvable at this point-- due in large part to the mainstream medias largely successful efforts to microwave the American public's frontal lobes. Honestly, I do not see a future for the United States; even if Bernie won the presidency, there would've likely been a coup against him.

    Or maybe I'm being to pessimistic?

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