Tuesday, April 7, 2020


In these dark times, when the world as we know it is fast falling apart, it is reassuring to find one small evidence that the old, familiar ways endure, offering us something, however slight, to hold on to.  It is for that reason that I greeted with deep gratitude this news that Trump has a small stake in the French company that makes the Malaria drug he has been touting as a miracle cure for COVID-19.  


  1. How big a stake do his Russian creditors have? And Deutsche Bank, probably the most corrupt bank in Europe. Why does Germany allow such a corrupt bank to exist? (Posted by tom_llewellyn@yahoo.com

  2. Ah, yes. Nothing like a little reassuring, old-fashioned graft and corruption to warm the nostalgic cockles of one’s heart. Still, we’ve long known that our tweeter-in-chief is a con-artist, flim-flam man, carney shill, snake-oil salesman – pick your own nineteenth-century image of one who has fooled some of the people all of the time. The interesting questions are how and why does it work; Gramsci spent his prison years trying to suss this out. Michael Moore (who predicted Trump’s electoral victory in 2016) claims it was the anger of workers in rust-belt states (Michigan, Ohio, etc.) who for years saw through the Democratic party cons and wanted to “blow it all up” (or “drain the swamp”), but who for some reason couldn’t see the worse con in MAGA. Perhaps the tears of their anger blurred its recognition. Perhaps the pandemic will help dry their eyes and let them see more clearly.

  3. I'm having mac n cheese

  4. Thankfully I have my own home made snake oil


  5. To be fair, it's clear that ⊥rump would reap profits from hydroxychloroquine.

    "Trump’s financial stake in these companies is virtually negligible — contained indirectly via mutual funds — and administered through three family trusts he does not control. As a generic drug, hydroxychloroquine is unlikely to provide any one company with significant profits compared to other proprietary drugs."

    On the other hand, it's not clear that ⊥rump would understand the arithmetic.

  6. Oops, "To be fair, it's NOT clear ..."
