Thursday, September 10, 2020


 As I’m sure you all know, Michael Cohen was released from prison to home confinement because of the danger of contracting the coronavirus. A day or two ago I saw an interview with him from his home. Afterward, it occurred to me that he was no more confined than I am, but at least he got to commit a crime. Oh well, another missed opportunity.


  1. Do we, the readers of this blog, know for sure, or even with reasonable confidence, that the host of this blog has not indeed committed a crime? This post may well be a head-fake, part of a cover-up, and as is well known, the cover up is worse than the crime. RPW is even worse than Michael Cohen! It would be a disservice to RPW and his character to prejudge the man, but everything known to date could lead one to conclude he's guilty. Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!

  2. sigh! Busted, and by a Frenchman novelist at that, not even a Russian. Oh well ...

  3. I'm sure most of us have committed a crime or another during our life-times, but we're good people and Michael Cohen is a bad person: that's the difference.

    1. I can't tell if you're being sarcastic, but either way, this comment made me LMAO.

  4. I dare say, and I've heard this from other discrete quarters, that a craven young RPW once stole bubble-gum from a Five and Dime.

  5. Now it will all come out. Even my unannounced trip to Lourdes cannot atone. I shall take my sackcloth out of storage, send to Amazon for a bag of ashes, and undertake a rigorous course of self-flagellation.

    1. A delightful post, and delightful comments. You are the soul of wit, Professor.

  6. Yes, but Cohen's crimes don't sound like they were very much fun to commit. Lying to congress, toadying to Trump and paying off porn-stars - not the sort of devil-may-care roguery that one might enjoy while taking a moral holiday.
