Thursday, December 10, 2020


I am growing increasingly apprehensive about the near term political future and tranquility of this country. I am especially concerned about the decision of a large group of Republican attorneys general to join the Texas suit calling for the overthrow of the presidential results in four states that went for Biden. I think it is extremely unlikely that the Supreme Court will even consider the case and if they were actually to rule in favor of the appellants you could write the epitaph of what counts as American democracy. But consider what this suit does. It puts high-ranking officials in 12 states publicly on record as claiming that Biden has not been legitimately elected. Add that to the silence of all but a handful of congressional Republicans and you have a festering disaster. Perhaps 40 or 50 million Americans who already believe the election was “rigged” now have the support of a large number of respected or at least putatively respected state public officials who not merely echo conspiracy theories but have actually put their names to a legal filing with the Supreme Court of the United States.


This is not going away. In the middle run it could be the death of the Republican Party as we know it but in the short run it is going to make it almost impossible for Biden to govern. His first task will be to oversee the vaccination of 250 million or more Americans and noncitizen residents. Suppose the rollout of the vaccine begins and Biden gets praise in the media for it, as would be customary with such an effort under any president. Trump will begin by claiming credit, but if he is not given that credit, does anyone think that he would not try to undermine the effort by claiming that the vaccine is illegitimate or dangerous or unnecessary?


Blithely optimistic commentators keep saying that after the electoral college meets or after the Congress votes to accept their report Republican legislators will start acknowledging that Biden is the duly elected president. I think that is extremely unlikely, especially in light of such developments as the action of the Republican attorneys general. If the Democrats take the two senatorial seats in Georgia, some of the damage can be avoided or repaired although by no means most of it, but if, as is after all likely, Republicans hold one or two of those seats, the Senate will be controlled by people unwilling to accept the election as legitimate and unprepared even to acknowledge that Biden is president.


Never mind that large numbers of the election doubters are armed to the teeth. I think we are in for some very bad times. Interestingly enough and somewhat unexpectedly, the strongest voice I have heard arguing for an implacable war without quarter against the election doubters in the Republican Party as it now stands is former conservative Republican operative and advisor Steve Schmidt. 

If Biden is delusional enough to suppose that after January 20 he can “reach across the aisle” and establish a working relationship with the people who were his colleagues in the Senate in the old days, and if he proves to be incapable of quickly adjusting himself to the reality that this is impossible, then we have a political and also a social disaster on our hands.


On the bright side, I managed to finish a rather tricky Thursday New York Times crossword puzzle, although in more time than the Thursday puzzle usually take me. Sufficient unto the day…


  1. History, albeit a negative one, unfolding before our very eyes. Fascism rearing its head in a still young country. All because of one cult of personality leader. When Obama beat Romney, he tweeted the machines were fixed and actually said this is not a democracy. When Ted Cruz cheated, Biden cheated. When he wins, crickets. What is most disconcerting are the supposedly sensible minded leaders going along with this and stomping on our democracy.
    That being said, I am also apprehensive about the Democrat leadership and their crazy antifa followers. Their mantra is lawlessness and revolution no doubt about it. Why have Biden in and lawlessness and chaos in the streets? This bind, along with the spectre, nay prelude of civil war we are in tough times.

  2. I share your concern. With so many Republican office holders refusing to do their duty, I fear for the stability of the system. Benjamin Franklin is said to have remarked, when asked after the Constitutional Convention what kind of government we have, "A republic, if you can keep it." I'm not sure we can keep it--a thought that never occurred to me in my previous 82 years.


  3. Dr. Wolff,
    The fascist threat isn’t over, not by a long shot. The mass psychological delusions that govern the ‘the NOT the Party of Lincoln,”’ and its supporters are alive and well. Among the delusions are; a) the voter fraud delusion initially fostered to justify voter suppression, has now been expanded to provide the pretext for a coup. Despite there being no evidence of any meaningful fraud, the myth is believed by a sizable portion of republican voters (70% in a recent poll), b) the ‘climate change is a hoax’ myth, c) that fundamentalist Christians are subject to discrimination as a result of their beliefs, which is based on a belief that the extension of rights to all people leads to discrimination, etc. (the “discrimination” perceived by fundamentalist Christians appears to be based on how they perceive the requirement not to discriminate in the conduct of their commercial activity.)

    Aside from the plots against office holders, in the past two weeks there was the armed demonstration against the MI Sec. of State, a call to AZ republicans by a party official encouraging violence to secure a Trump victory, and several more assertions by sheriffs that they will not enforce covid-related restriction. Since Fox wasn’t right-wing enough, a new media presence has emerged, Newsmax, which will keep the paranoid delusions of the right in play.

    There has been a significant increase in militia activity in the last four years, and a huge increase in militia involvement countering BLM demonstrations. There has also been an increase in the state’s use of excessive violence against demonstrators this past year.

    Barry Goldwater’s slogan “extremism in defense of liberty is no vice” lurks in the background of the fascist right’s ideology. Liberty, as understood by the militias and the far right republicans, is not the conception as elaborated by J.S. MIll, or the authors of the Declaration of the Rights of Man. It has now become an unrestricted, inchoate right which is violated by unwanted government actions. Hofstadter, if I recall correctly, noted that the newest expression of right-wing paranoia came in the years following the passage of the income tax and was directed at the government itself. The white supremacist militias maintain their usual focus, but the anti-government militias, but those active in Michigan are the later variant targeting what they see as government encroachment on their liberties.

    The Freedom Caucus/Tea Party republicans remain the largest faction in the Republican caucus, and barring winning two seats in GA, they will block all but essential legislation. Under the operating procedure of the Republican caucus over the past 12 years, nothing will come to the Senate floor for a vote unless it is approved by the Freedom Caucus.

    That 12 state AG’s have joined the Texas lawsuit is indicative of the overall political problem. AGs are prime candidates to run for Governor or Federal office. Twelve of these folks think their political future depends on their impeccable records of support for the fascist party and its delusions. It seems to me they are taking a big risk - if the legal action fails they give their future opponents a big issue.

    If in the next few elections the left can continue its recent progress by turning a few more red states and picking up Senate seats and down ballot offices things will be looking up. The defeat of our current fascist outbreak will depend on the GA election and the next three electoral cycles. If government remains stalemated through the Biden administration, the outlook is bleak. One thing that would help counter the far-right’s political fortunes in the short run would be the systematic exposure of Trump administration corruption, in the courts and through internal investigations in each executive branch department.

    I never do well on Thursday Times puzzles, and your comment has convinced me to leave it to Amy.

  4. Its a good ole' domestic fight. When Saadam tried to off Bush senior, Bush jr. took issue and killed the two sons and eventually Saadam. His trophy was Saadams pistol, which he displayed on the white house desk as a trophy. But now its domestic. Obama spied on Trump during the election, Trump took issue, Schiff tried to impeach, and the fight now rages. Its now just a little more escalated than the hanging chad issue of 2000, which is essentially the same stuff. Looks like Trump lost, unless the judges call it different, which happens. Us little people will go on with our little lives, Trump or Biden. Let the parties fight it out, its good for the country.

  5. I will keep my comment short and simple, given the verbal sword of Damocles that hovers over my head should I offend my many critics on this blog. The Supreme Court could go a long way to reinforcing the legitimacy of Biden’s election by not just dismissing the frivolous lawsuits being filed by the various Attorneys General, but by in addition invoking its authority to impose severe sanctions on the Attorneys General who have filed these lawsuits, using its authority under Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, which requires that a court impose sanctions, usually monetary, on any attorney who violates the requirement that by signing the pleading, the attorney is representing to the Court that “the claims, defenses, and other legal contentions are warranted by existing law or by a nonfrivolous argument for extending, modifying, or reversing existing law or for establishing new law [and that] the factual contentions have evidentiary support or, if specifically so identified, will likely have evidentiary support after a reasonable opportunity for further investigation or discovery[.]” The lawsuits filed by the Attorneys General, directly in the Supreme Court no less, are so unprecedented, so without justification for “establishing new law,” so without evidentiary support that it would be entirely appropriate for the Supreme Court to impose severe monetary sanctions directly on the attorneys - monetary sanctions that they would have to pay out of their own pockets - including as well an order that their conduct be reported to the respective State bars for discipline. Such sanctions, and the publicity they would engender, would send the message to those who are being flim-flammed by their unscrupulous conduct into believing that the claims of a fraudulent election have merit, that they the claims are totally vacuous have absolutely no merit. Doing so would, I believe, at least restore some measure of confidence in the legitimacy of the election. Will they do it? Cynics will say probably not. Time will tell.

  6. The 2000 presidential election started November 7th and ended December 12th--lasting around 35 days. The current election started Nov. 3rd and now it's the 10th of December--around 37 days. This election is more of a "Grand Contested Election" that Melville wrote about than the one in 2000.

    However, I came to the conclusion many days ago that even if Melville was talking about the present no one is going to believe me (& him) anyway. So what do I do? Warn people not to travel to Afghanistan, and await (over the succeeding several years) for a news report of a great battle between American (or probably British) forces and the Taliban and/or it's allies.

    However, even if there is large battle in Afghanistan will it stop people from being doubtful? Nope.

    A long time ago, I said that President Trump reminded me of the great First Triumvir Marcus Crassus. With President Trump continually not conceding the election he reminds me more and more like Cataline that the Roman historian Sallust wrote about. I just hope for the country's sake President Trump doesn't fight it out like the brave Cataline did. I don't want to see what would happen if Biden decides to send in the UDTs.

  7. Limbaugh is stoking calls for secession, which is treason:
    If Trump adopts this message, would the Senate still refuse to convict him were he impeached? Could impeachment and a trial be accomplished between now and January 20, 2021? Would it be a foolish waste of time and divert attention from dealing with the pandemic? Would it be playing into Trump’s hands? On the other hand, can Congress ignore a sitting President calling for the secession of the red states from the Union?

    (My second post for today, but not a gratuitous one, I submit.)

  8. Professor,

    You are in Jesusland!

  9. Watch:

    (Number 3; I'm done for December 10)

  10. And the Arizona GOP (their Twitter, at any rate) is now calling for people to die for the cause. I have nothing to add here except to second your pessimism.

  11. I could certainly add to your account of all that we have to worry about, but I won't do that here. Instead, I'll just briefly state what I think is the obvious imperative for Democrats.

    How do Democrats stop Republicans from turning the United States into a failed fascist state? They win more elections. Every single election from now on is crucially important. All special elections that are halfway competitive are important. All state office elections--especially those for governor, state legislators, attorney general and secretary of state--are important.

    And it's not enough to throw money at campaigns. Of course, Democratic campaigns need money, but look at how much money was thrown away on, for example, Amy McGrath's challenge to Mitch McConnell. What a waste. If Democrats are to win more elections, they must draw in potentially sympathetic voters from the 1/3 of eligible adults who don't vote. And to do that, they must fund effective grassroots organizations that register new voters and get them to the polls.

    I started making a list of organizations that have been reported as having been effective at just that. Here is what I have so far:

    • Fair Fight.
    • Mi Familia Vota.
    • LUCHA Arizona.
    • Voto Latino.
    • Northeast Arizona Native Democrats.
    • The New Georgia Project.
    • The Movement for Black Lives.
    • Black Voters Matter.
    • Mijente.
    • United We Dream.
    • Votar Es Poder.
    • Georgia Stand Up.

    You can contribute to many of these organizations through Act Blue.

    Beyond that, I keep hoping that a powerful climate-concerned youth movement will develop, along the lines of the Sunrise Movement. Something has to change. If it doesn't, we could well see a Republican-controlled Congress in 2024 deciding who will be the next President.

  12. All fifty states have certified the election, yet over 100 congressmen and over a dozen Ag's are trying to overturn it. This is called a COUP. Let's be direct here....its on. If you are sitting there drinking tea and wondering what the supreme court is going to do, you are way off the mark. If and when they shut him down he will declare martial law, do you really think otherwise? Come February, he will either be leader of all the united states or a shadow leader of half the states in a terrible conflict. I do not know what the military will do, but I'm sure they will chime in. 2021 is going to be worse than this year!!!!!

  13. Unbelievable. I do not have words to describe this insanity, which many of the readers of this blog will attest is a rare occurrence.

    (This has been posted on December 11, 2020)

  14. Achim Kriechel (A.K.)December 11, 2020 at 11:21 AM

    to MS
    what I see in this video are the typical representatives of a so-called "movement". They live in their own world. This world offers them simple answers and the possibility of an escape from a world with no simple answers to the crucial questions in life. And, most importantly, for them this world can be a world full of friends who share all their simple answers and repeat them endlessly. All uncertainty is gone and everything becomes meaningful. Enemies are as clear as friends. Always a clear sky over Trump's country.

    That doesn't leave me speechless. What made me speechless was the documentary here on German TV yesterday with the topic "Trump and the FBI". Almost 1.5 hours of madness. What was it about? Of course the FBI, the "Friends of Sicily" in New York, the construction workers' unions, corruption, lawsuits, bankruptcies, extortion, casinos, investments in and from Moscow, money laundering. It was also about Rudy, who no longer wanted to be a prosecutor but wanted to go higher. Eight FBI agents, some of them high-ranking, wondered why they never really brought the man with the strange hair to court.

  15. Adam Kreichel,

    Thank you for your input.

    What is happening in the United States is as old as history – palace intrigues, the destruction of the Roman republic, replaced by an autocratic Empire, the plots of the d’Medicis, the War of the Roses, etc. etc. We Americans just thought – perhaps foolishly – that it could never happen here. Hopefully we will pull through this and be able to preserve some vestige of our democracy – but Trump and his allies are doing serious damage, which will plague us for years to come.

    Regarding Giuliani, there have always been rumors that he was corrupt. Before 9/11, there were stories that he had obstructed the delivery of safety equipment to the fire houses in New York (holding out for a kickback?), which resulted in fire fighters dying on 9/11. That he then cast himself as the decisive hero after 9/11 is sickening.

  16. Anonymous at Dec. 10, 11:55 a.m.

    I don't know a lot about antifa, but the notion that their activities, insofar as they involve violence or destruction of property, are directed or approved by Biden is absurd.

  17. LFC,

    Biden doesn't direct Antifa. Antifa directs Biden; and Antifa in turn is directed by Bill Gates and Hugo Chavez, along with Mossad.

  18. Professor Wolff writes: "If Biden is delusional enough to suppose that after January 20 he can 'reach across the aisle' and establish a working relationship with the people who were his colleagues in the Senate in the old days, and if he proves to be incapable of quickly adjusting himself to the reality that this is impossible, then we have a political and also a social disaster on our hands."

    Although I don't disagree with the above statement, I am struggling to think of a strategy that Biden can use to adjust to the reality that he will be facing Republican majorities in the Senate and the Supreme Court that more or less precludes bipartisan consensus on any of Biden's policy objectives. There are of course executive orders, and Biden could try to flex on regulatory policy through his executive departments, but that's all just more tyrannous fuel for the fascist fire.

    Any thoughts from bloggers on the direction to which Biden should pivot after bipartisanship fails?

    Also, s. wallerstein, you forgot George Soros. He runs everything you know.

  19. "Trump will begin by claiming credit, but if he is not given that credit, does anyone think that he would not try to undermine the effort by claiming that the vaccine is illegitimate or dangerous or unnecessary?"

    And Darwin wins again. If everyone else is vaccinated, do we even care?

    Re: "Armed to the teeth"

    These are mostly clowns who freak out at wearing a mask and not being able go to a bar. A few are dangerous but most are weak minded losers doing cos-play. If it comes to it, a whiff of grapeshot will concentrate their minds.

    Anon - Portland is a few hours up the road and I have friends there. One can be a few blocks away and not know that anything is happening. Oregon was formed as a white mans' state and has a long history of radicalism going back to the IWW. Antifa isn't even a thing. Losers like the Proud Boys but way less organized. Assuming you are a real 'merican I would suggest you curate your feed.

  20. Late tonight, in time for Judy Woodruff PBS, 7/9 S Ct members disposed of this tRumpian Farce. We are still left with Republicans who are ill-informed of the constitutional ramifications of their folly.

  21. Late tonight, in time for Judy Woodruff PBS, 7/9 S Ct members disposed of this tRumpian Farce. We are still left with Republicans who are ill-informed of the constitutional ramifications of their folly.
