Sunday, January 31, 2021


With a week to go, Trump and his entire legal defense team have gone their separate ways. According to the reporting I heard, the problem was that Trump wanted them to argue that he had really won the election and it had been stolen from him. One can only hope that he decides to represent himself. It is cold and wet in North Carolina right now and I need something to cheer me up. This is a truly bizarre time. Marjorie Taylor Greene is now the face of the Republican Party – not Ronald Reagan, not George W. Bush, not Mitch McConnell, not even Richard Nixon but Marjorie Taylor Greene! I did not get any presents for Christmas, not even a lump of coal, but this is better than a pony (with or without the horse shit.)


  1. As long as MTG stays in the House she will be the gift to Democrats that keeps on giving. We all longed for a pony as a Christmas present, only to wake up disappointed as usual. But we have now our mule. Long may we ride her (the concomitant stink is a small price to pay).

  2. I've got it! Marjorie Taylor Greene should represent Donald Trump at the Senate trial. The fact that she's not a lawyer would make it even better. The law is a conspiracy anyway, as aptly demonstrated by all those zombie judges who ruled again Trump in the face of overwhelming evidence that a cabal of Democrats, with the help of space aliens (this is why we need a space force!), stole the election.

  3. Trump apparently is still insisting that his lawyers argue that the election was stolen from him. If they make that argument, it could result in more Republican senators to vote to convict. They are more comfortable with acquitting if the lawyers argue that an individual who is not currently President can neither be impeached nor convicted of high crimes and misdemeanors, since Article I, Sec. 4 and Article II, Sec. 4 refer to being “removed” from office. Making the argument which Trump wants could also put the lawyers in jeopardy of being disbarred by the states in which they are licensed. (A lawyer may not advance an argument which constitutes a fraud upon the court, even at the behest of a client.)

  4. I believe the politicians trying to imitate Trump show way too much affectation. Yes, they want his BASE, and yes they want unlimited power as "Lifelong-President of the USA", but although they have Trump's style, they don't have his originality. Perhaps without an original spark they just fade away... I mean if the original fails, how can the imitation-copy succeed?

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