Thursday, May 27, 2021


If anyone is interested in my views about the work of Arendt, you can click on the link to at the top of the blog and look on the second page for something called "Notes for a Materialist Analysis."


  1. This comment will be very off on a tangent, I'm afraid.

    I realized, after unsuccessfully trying to download this piece ("Notes for a Materialist Analysis"), that I'd already downloaded it a few years ago, and it was sitting in my computer.

    I'd like to be able to report that I've read it, but I haven't. However, I did skim through it very quickly just now, and I happened to see that you make fun of a line in Hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls. Coincidentally, I watched the Burns/Novick PBS documentary on Hemingway several weeks ago, and Mario Vargas Llosa, who is one of the (many) interviewees, makes fun of that same line.

  2. You, Professor Wolff, have expressed a very negative opinion of Henry Kissinger's supposed
    great intellect. Chomsky agrees with you:

  3. s. wallerstein,

    Thank you for that link to the interview of Noam Chomsky re Kissinger. I did not recognize the bearded Chomsky, until he began to speak.

    I was especially pleased because on my you tube version of the interview, it was followed by a segment about the 1965 debate at Cambridge University between James Baldwin and William Buckley:

    To again hear Baldwin speaking in his elegant, resonant voice was a pleasure.

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