Monday, November 1, 2021


Thanks to Google's various blogging functionalities, I can keep track of how many people visit this site each day – or more precisely, how many visits there are, which is of course not the same thing. I average somewhere between 1100 and 1500 a day. For the last several days I have been pressing 10,000.

What 's up?


  1. My bad. I was so stimulated by your anti-Hegel comment that I've been visiting 8000+ times per day.

  2. When I was blogging, I had Google Analytics tell me not only how many visits, but how many visitors, and (when discernible by Analytics, which it wasn't always) where they came from and how they got there.

    You could have installed this too, but since you didn't it's probably not a good use of your time to do it now. But in most cases your readers won't know why you're getting 10,000 visits a day instead of 1,500. Maybe an aggregator site has linked to your blog or to a particular post, maybe it's Leiter again, maybe it's some junk site that's decided to send lots of junk visits, who knows...

  3. P.s. I'm not technologically sophisticated *at all*, which means that installing the thing I just referred to was not difficult. But again, prob just a waste of time to do it at this point, unless you really want to know this additional info. In the end, I don't think it matters whether you get 1,000 visits a day or 10,000. When I was blogging, a good day for me was 15 (sic) distinct visitors; more than that did happen on occasion, but it was not typical. I blogged under my initials, btw.

  4. My guess is it's because of your posts on Charles Mills. He's been in the news because of his passing, and your posts are probably showing up in Google searches of his name. Just a guess.

  5. My guess is your readers were missing you because you hadn't posted anything for a few days. At least that would explain my 30 or so visits to your site over the weekend.

    I think we kind of like you mostly :)

  6. In the world of webpage stats, it's important to understand the difference between "hits", "views", "visits", and "unique visits".

  7. here's one data point:
    - I searched "Kant" on youtube
    - one of your videos on Kant was listed maybe sixth (could be different for other users)
    - the video image/description looked more like what I wanted than the other videos (animated 10-minute shallow summaries), so I clicked it, watched it, loved it
    - I followed a link in the video description to this blog

  8. It should be noted that some of these visits are made not by humans but by programs who "crawl" your site (i.e. index/archive it by visiting every link/page), though I am not sure whether a single program opening every page generates a unique visit or whether they can be responsible for such spikes as the one you saw.
