Tuesday, May 10, 2022


 All right. There will be time to debate the meaning of the Supreme Court ruling that is coming down next month. Now we need to do everything we can to fight, and that means voting, donating money to progressive candidates at every level, and if we are able, getting out and campaigning. If we can possibly hold the House and the Senate for the Democrats, that will be an enormous step forward.  I am fairly flush financially so I have been donating to a number of different candidates and groups. Remember, nothing any of us does will, all by itself, make a measurable difference but what we all do can make all the difference.Do not waste time worrying about precisely which candidate is best or most in need of help. Just do something!


  1. "Do not waste time worrying about precisely which candidate is best or most in need of help."

    Given that we live in political system based on individual entities that are overwhelmingly FPTP, strategic assistance and voting are everything. Also, assuming one is on the left (or at lest one who prefers to live in a non-fascist state), one should never, ever vote for a Republican (for nonpartisan offices this may require some work) for any office - district - yes, even dog catcher, local, state, national.

    Support organizations that actually work to elect the left-most electable candidates in Democratic primaries as well as individuals one may be aware of.

    Given gerrymandering strategy will be everything.

  2. RE: The title of this post, I always figured that R. Murdock and Roger Ailes read the book, took it to heart, and expanded it to broadcasting.

    "In a word, the “plan for an all-Russia political newspaper”, far from representing the fruits of the labour of armchair workers, infected with dogmatism and bookishness (as it seemed to those who gave but little thought to it), is the most practical plan for immediate and all-round preparation of the uprising, with, at the same time, no loss of sight for a moment of the pressing day-to-day work."
