Thursday, December 15, 2022


My younger son, Tobias, stopped by with his little dog Spark on their way driving back to Palm Springs. It was a great treat to spend the day with him. As I look back over my long life, I can say with confidence that the best thing I ever did was to contribute my bit to the creation and raising of Patrick and Tobias. Everything else dwindles into insignificance.


  1. Even your relationship with Suzie dwindles into insignificance?

    For me at least, making a close relationship work with another adult human being, as complex as I am and programmed (aka raised) in a family atmosphere unlike mine (no two families are alike), is more of an achievement than raising a dependent human being who, after all, one can brainwash (aka educate) according to one's own designs, even if that dependent human being eventually becomes independent.

  2. SW

    "The best thing I ever did was to contribute my bit to the creation and raising of Patrick and Tobias."

    I believe Dr. Wolff means best Platonic male activity he has ever spent & not greatest partner relationship he has ever had.

    Of course, this mixup always happens when people are not specific enough. However, this should be easily forgiven because such generalizations happen when men & women are speaking from the bottom of their heart.

  3. "My younger son, Tobias, stopped by with his little dog Spark on their way driving back to Palm Springs."

    I hope he's taking I 10!

  4. Boomerang Pancakes

    I just learned that folk singer Bill Staines passed away last December.
