Monday, April 24, 2023


If you are interested, I will give my final zoom lecture at 2 PM this afternoon. Here is the link.


  1. Was interested but link didn't work.

  2. I hope the videos will be available.

    Apologies, but I can't resist - the cries of pain on the tankie left (Greenwald, etc.) and the conservafascist Right (Dreher, etc.) are way too sweet. Ding, dong, Tucker Carlson is fired.

    Also, it seems there are several important elections next month so $100 to the DLCC.

  3. But CNN also fired Don Lemon. Apparently, he was making misogynistic comments to his female co-anchors.

  4. Does Greenwald actually admire or find any redeeming qualities in Tucker Carlson??

  5. Greenwald is a promiscuous "reporter" and is mainly interested in attention and fame rather than loyalty to principles.

  6. LFC, who knows? As long as TC is loving on Putin, GG will approve.

    BTW, this quote from the Chinese ambassador:

    “Even these ex-Soviet Union countries do not have effective status, as we say, under international law because there’s no international accord to concretize their status as a sovereign country,” Mr. Lu said,

    would also include the Russian Federation and Vladivostok was Chinese back in the day.

  7. I agree with MAD here.

    Greenwald has a huge ego and since he did not receive the recognition and hero worship he craves from the left, he turns to Tucker Carlson.

    Claiming he is pro-Putin is the 21st century equivalent of McCarthyite red-baiting.

  8. aaall
    I'm not sure what that quote from the Chinese ambassador even means. Although whole forests have been destroyed in the writing of learned tomes about sovereignty, a good rough and ready litmus test is whether a country has a UN seat. If it does, it usually has, to use the ambassador's phrase, effective status under intl law.

  9. Chinese Foreign Minister retracted the ambassador's statement. The problem it seems was the implication that Taiwan would also be a sovereign state, which would undermine China's claim on Taiwan.

  10. Here is the "retraction:"

    Given Taiwan's history, I don't see how Taiwan's status would be involved. It is in China's interest to stir up resolve in Europe and further weaken Russia. That being accomplished, all I see is a so-so pro forma statement. It's useful to recall that the Century of Humiliation is still a thing for many if not most Chinese.

    s.w., the comparison is way inapt. At some point "constructive" ceases to add value.


  11. Since the statement being retracted was nonsense to begin with, I'm not sure the retraction matters that much. Those countries of the ex-USSR that have been widely recognized by other countries as sovereign states are sovereign states. No special international accord is needed to "concretize" their sovereignty. (I haven't read the context, just the quote that aaall pulled.)
