Saturday, August 12, 2023


All of us who are obsessed with the Trump affair have heard countless times the recording of the telephone call in which Trump says "I only want you to find 11,780 votes." The full impact of that statement, I believe, would be much increased if the television commentators would point out that Biden won the state by 11,779 votes. Trump concludes that request by saying "which is one more than we have." What he means, of course, is "which is one more than they have." My guess is that when that phone call recording is played at the trial, the prosecutor will make the connection for the jury.


  1. That is how a mob boss talks. Of course an actual mob boss who had to work his up would know not to say it where it could be recorded. He screwed himself with the granularity.

    Perhaps another thing to obsess about is MAGA Senator Tuberville's now six month hold on flag promotions. Recall that McConnell held up the replacement for Scalia for months until a Republican could make the nomination.

    Perhaps abortion is a red herring and the real reason for the hold is to give a possible president Trump the ability to remake the military as he has planned to use schedule f to remake the civilian side. Of course, a president DeSantis would also love the opportunity.

  2. Glancing at the opening passages of a recent journal article (link below), this kind of jumped out:

    "We note two trends: first, managerial employment has grown steadily throughout the past several decades, and secondly, managerial compensation has grown in real terms, whereas real compensation for regular (non-supervisory and non-managerial) workers have [sic -- should read has] stagnated. This can be seen clearly in the rise of managerial and supervisory employees['] share of total compensation for the private sector, which rose despite the growth in managerial and supervisory employees."

  3. Sorry, that comment related to the previous post on wage inequality.
