Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Susie and I saw Gravity last weekend, the new Sandra Bullock George Clooney movie, and enjoyed it [it is really a bravura solo performance by Bullock, although Clooney is, as always, charming.]  I will assume everyone knows what it is about.  I was very amused to read that a number of critics have caviled at some minor violations of scientific fact in the movie [two big ones:  the space capsule Bullock and Clooney are working on is hit by debris from a broken up communications satellite, even though in the real world those two orbit at very different heights above the earth; and when Clooney lets go of Bullock, thereby condemning himself to death but allowing her to save herself, he acts as though the line she is loosely tethered to won't withstand the tug of her pulling him toward her, even though in space, the slightest pull of her fingers would move him in her direction.]

What amused me was that these are the same reviewers who routinely take seriously, and ask us to take seriously also, movies about vampires and the walking dead, not to mention movies about honest patriotic politicians.  I mean, really!

Anyway, it is a fun movie -- not very deep.  We saw it in 3-D, which adds virtually nothing so far as I could see save for three bucks per ticket to the price.

1 comment:

  1. If the movie lacked depth, maybe the 3-D wasn't working?
