Wednesday, February 10, 2016


You have to cut me some slack.  Starting with 1948, when I first got interested in politics, this is my eighteenth presidential contest.  Even if I live to be a hundred, gott sei dank, I will only see four more.  So you must allow me to qvell a little about Bernie.  I know his socialism has more in common with The New Deal than with the Communist Manifesto, and I am well aware that it is only New Hampshire, but this is as close as I am liable to get to the Promised Land.  Sixty percent on a platform of "Democratic Socialism!"  On to that hotbed of radicalism, Nevada.


  1. Both in Iowa and NH, Sanders is bringing in numbers greater than any polls or media analysts have predicted. That gives me hope he can really win Nevada, and eventually become the Democratic nominee.

  2. The real cause for optimism is his strength among young voters. I heard nine-to-one over Hilary in NH.

  3. Hillary only prevailed among those earning more than $200,000.

    Not surprising.
