Wednesday, May 17, 2017


This just appeared on TPM, one of my favorite progressive blogs:

It appears that four months into his presidency, Donald Trump hasn’t developed any keener of an interest in his daily national security briefings.

According to a report published Wednesday by Reuters, Trump is more likely to read national security briefing materials if his name is mentioned in as many paragraphs as possible.

Unnamed officials who have briefed the President and others familiar with his learning processes told the publication that Trump still prefers one-page memos and visual aids.

One unnamed source told Reuters that since Trump “keeps reading if he’s mentioned” in briefing materials, officials on the National Security Council have learned to insert the President’s name into “as many paragraphs as we can.”

In such a world, how on earth is one supposed to write thoughtfully about ideological mystification and capitalist exploitation?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. In such a world, how on earth is one supposed to write thoughtfully about ideological mystification and capitalist exploitation?

    By inserting the proper noun Trump into as many paragraphs as possible.

  3. The first whiff of this uber narcissism, for me, came the very night Trump was elected. As soon as he was declared the winner, he updated his twitter bio to read "President-elect of the United States."

    Truth is, indeed, stranger.
