Wednesday, May 17, 2017


It is beyond the talents and imagination even of Jonathan Swift to write a satire of the current administration that unmistakably exceeds the boundaries of the actual.   As evidence, I offer this news story, appearing as I was taking my walk this morning:

“Russian President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday he would be willing to provide the U.S. Congress a record of President Trump’s meeting with top Russian envoys, possibly offering new details on the disclosures of reportedly highly classified intelligence information.

The remarkable offer for the Kremlin to share evidence with U.S. oversight committees came with the caveat that the request for the transcript would have to come from the Trump administration.”

I think we can agree that when it comes to humiliating those in an inferior position, Trump has met his match.


  1. If the report is accurate, Putin has offered to concede that he had a recorder (probably on the cameraman, but possibly a "wire" on Lavrov, or perhaps a bug in the White House) running during a meeting with POTUS from which the U.S. press were excluded. But that concession is worthwhile to him to keep a diminished, impotent Trump from being ousted
