Monday, March 19, 2018


Faithful readers will recall that when the Grand Jury handed down an indictment of a nonentity for identity theft, I speculated that someone at Cambridge Analytica would be sweating bullets.  [See February 20, 2018]  Well, it looks like Cambridge Analytica is in Mueller's crosshairs now.  We shall see.

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, so you did! World famous in Poland and ahead
    of the curve once again.

    I think the most insidious aspect of Cambridge Analytica has
    less to do with whatever Russian involvement/identity theft than with the general electoral techniques
    of micro-targeting developed by Mercer-Bannon. But electoral fraud/integrity of Mueller
    is not his charge, just collusion - if I am getting that right. That leaves Congress to
    clean things up. Which always brings me back to Naomi Klein's mantra, "No is not enough."
