Sunday, August 18, 2019


I go away for three days to see my family and while I am gone Trump decides to buy Greenland.  I can't leave him alone for a minute.


  1. Welcome back.

    I hope that you had a good time with your grandchildren. You've told us about your two sons: one is a law professor and the other is a chess master. What are your grandchildren into?

  2. Samuel, 13, has grown so suddenly that he is now taller than his father. Athena, just turned 11, sings and is into photography. I gave Samuel a copy of IN DEFENSE OF ANARCHISM for his last birthday [for the future] but he has read it and has questions!

  3. That's great when kids question their elders.

    I also have two, a boy and a girl, Gabriel, who will finish high school this year, plays the violin as you do and wants to study music and Eva, who is two years old and rides a scooter better than I can or ever could.

  4. I believe RPW is a violist. Accordingly, I'll recommend this relatively new recording from Albion Records, a label devoted to Ralph Vaughan Williams: It's a beauty.

    My son, too, suddenly at 13 overtook me. When school ended in June, he departed for a three week visit with cousins in the Pacific Northwest. He was shorter than me at the time. Upon his return he was taller than me.

  5. But why does Trump *want* to buy Greenland, one wonders. Is it because he wants access to the minerals beneath melting ice? But if enough of the ice melts to make this a paying proposition (something that won't happen until after he is dead) the White house is likely to be under water. Perhaps he thinks the proceeds will be sufficient for his successor to raise it on stilts?

  6. Buying Greenland? Smallsville. Trump really is aiming his sights on selling everything west of the Mississippi to the Chinese and everything east of the Mississippi to the Russians.
    That's been his plan all along.
    We would all become slaves of the CCP and Putin and Trump would come out of the deal worth trillions.
    Think about it. Don't tell me he's never thought about it

  7. But if enough of the ice melts to make this a paying proposition (something that won't happen until after he is dead) the White house is likely to be under water.

    I'll have to disagree. I think The Donald may be onto something big:

    "Greenland's Massive Ice Melt Wasn't Supposed To Happen Until 2070
    "By Scott Snowden

    "Last week, the world received yet another stark reminder of what's yet to come as temperatures at the highest point of the Greenland ice sheet rose above freezing and melted the snow there for the first time since July 2012 and perhaps only the third time in the last 700 years. The glacier-covered island lost 12.5 billion tons of ice in one day."

    A beautiful, yuuuge, subtropical Mar-a-lago resort, golf course, beaches, maybe even a patriotic casino just outside of Nuuk. A wonderful location for the Miss Universe pageant.

  8. It was a big melt and plenty to be alarmed about but Trump is in his seventies. Even if we get this several times a summer, even if it accelerates, it's going to be many decades before it all melts away. That horrible old scoundrel has two more decades if he is lucky. (overweight & choleric though a non-drinker and a non-smoker) . I suspect a couple of mini-strokes already. The Greenland ice-pack will last out his time.
