Wednesday, August 21, 2019


All right, folks, Trump wants to buy Greenland, he calls Jews traitors, Biden doesn't go away, India is trying to start a war with Kashmir, I know it is beyond horrible, but the grunt work goes on, so it is time to get your reports in for this week's Friday List.  

I just discovered Rachel Bitecofer, who says North Carolina is a toss-up in 2020, so my little bits of work may make a difference.  Anyway, tell me what you have been doing, while I struggle to awaken my inner Tigger sufficiently to comment on the passing scene without being excessively gloomy.


  1. Rachel Bitecofer predicts that Trump will lose in 2020. Isn't that enough to liven your spirits?

  2. I got local this week -- attended a public hearing on providing a non-binary gender option on Washington State identification cards (drivers licenses, etc.). Everyone who stood up to speak supported the change, and I was honored by the chance to witness. Act locally, it makes a difference.

  3. This is from Taegan Goddard's Political Wire, which is also encouraging:

    Not a day goes by without someone asking me if I think Donald Trump will be re-elected. Here’s what I tell them.

    With a news cycle that’s completely bonkers, it’s often hard to get perspective but remember these basic facts about Trump’s presidency:

    He lost the popular vote in 2016 by 3 million votes and won his Electoral College victory by fewer than 80,000 votes across Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania — or just .06% of the 137 million votes cast.

    His approval rate has never been above 50% and has hovered between 39% and 46%.

    He trails Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris in nearly every general election polling match up.

    He trails Biden, the current leader for the Democratic nomination, by double-digits.

    To summarize: Most voters did not vote for him. Most voters do not like him. Most voters do not think he’s done a good job as president. Most voters prefer any of the top Democrats running to replace him.

    It’s possible a strong economy may help Trump win over those who otherwise disapprove. But most economists predict the economy will get worse before it gets better.

    It’s possible Democrats may nominate someone with unfavorable ratings similar to Hillary Clinton. But Trump unifies the opposition more than any president in recent memory.

    Of course, something could always change before next November.

    But is it likely?

  4. Bryant Durrell, well done!

    David Palmeter, hello from my sister, Barbara. Also, thank you for the uplift.

  5. I was lucky enough to have a brief conversation with the front-running governor candidate in my state when she visited. I let her know that I was supporting her and encouraged her to be supportive of health care expansions in the state and in particular mental health services (my state is severely underfunded there).
    I donated to Bernie.
    I tabled and collected donations for a local historic trust to create a small community center in an old school.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. My monthly recurring contributions were made this week to Jared Golden of the 2nd House District in Maine and to Elizabeth Guzman who is running for re-election in November to the Virginia House of Delegates. She flipped a Republican seat in 2017 and is being targeted this Fall by the Republicans who hope to get the seat back.

  8. --For Friday List, I attended a meeting about the increasing presence of the alt right / white nationalists / white supremacists on college campuses

  9. Notwithstanding that I've got a lot of "grunt-work" to do while on the toilet, I've decided finally, at the advanced age of 57, to register to vote. And I will vote for Biden. If that is the sacrifice we must make in order to get Trump out of office, then so be it.


  11. Chris,

    I agree about Biden, but I wonder if whoever wrote the article has ever been married. Does anyone inspire his own wife (after the honeymoon period is over)? Anyone who knows you that well is just not going to get inspired by you. Inspiration is about people you've never met.

  12. And I thought I was a pessimist!
