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NOW AVAILABLE ON YOUTUBE: LECTURES ON THE THOUGHT OF KARL MARX. To view the lectures, go to YouTube and search for Robert Paul Wolff Marx."

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Tuesday, June 28, 2022


I read the 27 comments to my post yesterday and although they were, as usual, thoughtful and knowledgeable, they offered no guidance on what to do at this terrible moment. Save for one.  David Palmeter suggested we donate to the DLCC – the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee. Here is what he said.  

"It’s vital, in the coming midterms, not only that Democrats not lose control of the House and Senate, but also that they begin the long climb back to control of a majority of state legislatures. It will not be easy.

When it comes to fundraising, state legislatures are an orphan. The money goes to the big races: Presidential, Senatorial, and Congressional. That’s fine, but if you’re a small contributor like I am, your contribution to a nation-wide or even state-wide race is at most a drop in the bucket. It will not be missed if doesn’t arrive, and will have little impact on the outcome.

The impact of your small contribution to a state legislative race will be far, far greater. A worthy recipient of your small donation is the DLCC—the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee."

So I pose the following challenge to my readers:


I will match your donations the DLCC dollar for dollar up to a maximum of $1000. You may donate as little as $10 and as much as you wish. If you will post reports of your donations as comments to this blog post, each time they total $100 or more I will donate an equal amount until I reached my $1000 limit. Obviously I have no way of checking whether you have actually made the donations so I am simply counting on you to be honest.


David Palmeter said...


Thank you for offering to match donations by readers of the blog. You've inspired my wife and me, and we'll join you in making that match up to $1,000.

DDA said...

An additional option is to find out which local organizations are working on get out the vote for state offices efforts in your area. In NC we have "county-to-county" (aka C2C) which targets flippable counties--so those of us in very blue districts get hooked up with nearby counties that are flippable or in danger. This had real successes last round. Here are relevant links:
the national agglomerator
and here's the local
A few weeks ago we and some farmer friends organized an party/rally/volunteer-enticer on their farm in Alamance which was a success and a spirit-raiser. Events like that reach past the usual suspects. Local businesses donated food and beverage; indeed a local wine distributor and a local cheese maker fell over themselves over-donating and telling us to ask again! There is energy out there to tap into.

Robert Paul Wolff said...

David, that is splendid. So are we now matching 2 to 1?

Anonymous said...

Via ActBlue donated $100 to DLLC.

Robert Paul Wolff said...

Thank you. I will match it now with $100.

Doug Bailey said...

Just donated $100 to DLCC via ActBlue.
Doug Bailey

DDA said...

Blogger Robert Paul Wolff said...
David, that is splendid. So are we now matching 2 to 1?

Nope. Not in a position to match as I've already committed beyond budget to various...

Robert Paul Wolff said...

I have just matched Doug Bailey's $100. Let us keep it coming!

Ludwig Richter said...

I also donated $100 to the DLCC via Act Blue.

Robert Paul Wolff said...

Okay, David, I just matched your donation. That is now three matches for a total of $600. This is great!

David Palmeter said...

RPW--Yes, we're now matching 2 to 1.

Anonymous said...

Fascinating - normally S Wallerstein and Marc Susselman are the first off the mark to post - but not this time. Wonder why...

s. wallerstein said...

I don't live in the United States. I don't even have a credit card in dollars, mine is in Chilean pesos. I donate money to campaigns here in Chile. I believe that that's a matter of public record that can be researched online in Servel, Chilean election service.

David Palmeter said...

I've just sent $200 to the DLCC to match the gifts by Anonymous and Doug Bailey.

Marc M. Susselman said...

I just contributed $200.00 to the DLLC, with an additional $20 tip to Act Blue.

And Anonymous at 11:25 A.M., you are a jackass.

David Palmeter said...

I've just matched Marc's $200.

Robert Paul Wolff said...

I have also matched Marc's $200. We are half way there.

Jerry Fresia said...

While those who can afford to kick in is admirable, I think it is necessary, in addition, to make sympathetic Dems to do the right thing through MILITANT ACTION, to wit:

Elizabeth Warren and AOC call for Biden to set up 'emergency' abortion clinics on federal lands - including national parks - but Kamala says.....blah, blah....

The Dems ought to organize the majority on their women immediately....
BUILD A MOVEMENT....POLITICS IS FAR MORE THAN ELECTORAL......Civil rights militancy made legislation possible. Each needs the other.

Piven and Cloward got it right.

Marc Susselman said...

The Cloward-Piven strategy had its liberql critics.

From the Wikiipedia article:

Reception and criticism
Michael Tomasky, writing about the strategy in the 1990s and again in 2011, called it "wrongheaded and self-defeating", writing: "It apparently didn't occur to [Cloward and Piven] that the system would just regard rabble-rousing black people as a phenomenon to be ignored or quashed."

Impact of the strategy
In papers published in 1971 and 1977, Cloward and Piven argued that mass unrest in the United States, especially between 1964 and 1969, did lead to a massive expansion of welfare rolls, though not to the guaranteed-income program that they had hoped for. Political scientist Robert Albritton disagreed, writing in 1979 that the data did not support this thesis; he offered an alternative explanation for the rise in welfare caseloads.

In his 2006 book Winning the Race, political commentator John McWhorter attributed the rise in the welfare state after the 1960s to the Cloward–Piven strategy, but wrote about it negatively, stating that the strategy "created generations of black people for whom working for a living is an abstraction".

According to historian Robert E. Weir in 2007: "Although the strategy helped to boost recipient numbers between 1966 and 1975, the revolution its proponents envisioned never transpired." (Footnotes omitted.)

Robert Paul Wolff said...

My sister, Barbara, donates $100, which I will match, and passes along greetings to David Pelmeter, with whom sahe taught in the Dc OLLI program.

R McD said...

Well, of course, Piven and Cloward had their liberal critics. I doubt they ever imagined that would not occur.

For myself, I take their liberal critics use of such words as "rabble-rousing black people" to be sufficient to warn me against taking such liberal critics seriously. Besides, an awful lot of liberals contributed to making this a really messed up world.

My own favorite Piven moment was when she, speaking truth to academic power, told a large roomful of social scientists (to paraphrase from memory), "Let's face it, none of us got where we are today without stepping on the necks of others."

David Palmeter said...

I just matched Barbara's $100. Give her my best.

Agent 86 said...

In @ $15 monthly (I also donate monthly to several individuals running for state seats as well as for Att Gen & Sec of State). Thanks for the nudge!

Robert Paul Wolff said...

I am going to count that as $75 until the election, so we need another $125 to complte the 2 for `1 match. Can anyone step up?

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