Thursday, July 20, 2023




  1. Thank you, Professor. Having not heard from you since yesterday, many of us were growing concerned.

  2. Anon, perhaps you should assume the current post is set-up to be automatic and spare us the snark.

  3. aaall: if it was automatic that would defeat its purpose, no?

  4. DZ
    The snark of the very first comment.

    Btw I'm not always a fan of the LGM blog, but this story about a small town in Alabama that seems stuck in a time warp (85% African American, white unelected mayor for decades) is interesting.

  5. No anon, think about it.

    LFC, I'm confused. Haven't Justices Alito, Roberts, and Thomas explained that times have long changed and we are past all that?

  6. To Anonymous: Under "Boor": a crude uncouth ill-bred person lacking culture or refinement.
    We truly do not need it, but just to yourself, might you try to explain this urge to make such a hurtful comment in public? Does it make you feel powerful? Do you suppose that there are, say, twenty people reading it going "yeah, that's telling him!"? Well, I must disabuse you of that idiocy. You are sorely alone in your cruelty! What you are actually doing here is entering a gentleman's living room, because he has graciously shared access to it far and wide for many years for all to visit, and then you defecate there. Makes you feel really big, huh.
    Let me share with you that there are countless people all over the world who have read the works of Professor Wolff, continue to read them, deeply respect him and are deeply grateful to him for his generosity in sharing himself so openly at no charge. He is now eighty nine years old, has Parkinson's, an ailing wife, and lives in a retirement community. And still, he publishes this blog if as and when the spirit moves him.
    And you? Your major accomplishment is to disparage him with a few hurtful words. I suggest you dig very deep. Is there a little voice deep inside you that can come up with a genuine apology? Try it - it is good for the soul. Yours.


  7. Decessero

    I'll sign on to your views.

  8. Anonymous,

    If you live long enough, you're going to end up with serious health problems such as Professor Wolff has.

    Think about it. You're fairly young now, because no one who is aware that they are ageing would make that kind of uncaring remark that you did.

    Would you like it if you live to age 89 that someone made that kind of remark about you?

  9. Good grief, lighten up folks.

  10. Indeed, lighten up for crying aloud, it was obviously said in jest. And yes, an automated posting algorithm would defeat its purpose.
